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Why Encourage Others to Vote


    Voting in America is every citizen's right, yet about half the population doesn’t vote. So it’s up to people like you to make sure everyone’s voices are heard. You can encourage others to vote by texting and calling all of your friends and family and see if they’re registered to vote, posting reminders and due dates and voting deadlines on social media, or by simply supporting #Myduty2vote.


    It is important that you help encourage others to vote because by encouraging others to vote you make sure that the leaders of America represent the citizens. In addition, if you spread the word about voting by campaigning for a candidate you increase their chances of winning. Studies done by presidential candidates show that voting reminders significantly increase the number of citizens who vote in each election.


    In conclusion with voting turnout slowly decreasing each century it is more important than ever for you not just to vote but also others to vote. Even if that means doing something small like bringing your voting is our protest mug to work or wearing your I will vote in November t-shirt to yoga. All efforts to encourage others to vote are worthwhile.

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