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Voter Suppression


    Voter suppression is a big problem in the United States and one of the biggest factors leading to this problem is Voter Purging. Voter Purging happens when officials update the list of eligible voters and take off of duplicate names, people who can no longer vote, and citizens whose information is listed wrong. 


    The problem comes when officials use voter purging to discriminate against minority voters. They use rules like “exact match” to take eligible voters off the list. A good example of this is the governor’s election in Georgia. While running for Governor Brian Kemp as secretary of state purged 1.5 million voters. Reports show that of the 53,000 voters who were taken off because of the exact match rule 70% of them were African Americans.


    If you want to make sure you're not one of the many purged votes go to to check your voter registration status. Also, make sure you respond to any mail concerning your voting status. If you get rejected at the polls ask to fill out a provisional ballot, and call your local board of elections for more information.

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